Tuesday, October 03, 2006

10 Reasons Why Samantha's Life Is So Complicated
10. I seem to remember more lyrics of songs than i do remember history...

9. I still haven't found my purpose in life...

8. I sometimes don't learn from my mistakes...

7. I have bad enough grades for History...

6. I tell my friends whatever i feel like telling them despite the fact that it may not be their business...

5. I can't understand Music Theory therefor i have a fear of failing grade 5 theory test...

4. I miss a lot people in my life...you know..friends and family, those kinda stuff...(i guess this isn't a reason why my life is complicated, i just wanna put it down)

3. I have a friend whom i pretty much have lots of things in common with til one nice day, my friend did something which made my life even more complicated...

2. I hate it when my loved ones go overseas to study or migrate..

and the number one reason why my life is so complicated is because...

1. I like a guy...and liking a guy isn't as easy as you think it is...

So that's pretty much my 10 reasons... not that i've got a problem with it.. it's just what makes me ME...(:

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© Samantha Claire Yee
Maira Gall