Sunday, March 04, 2007

so AUDITIONS yesterday! (:
After service and cell, i went to the "waiting room" where i was so scared to death about this whole matter.
So, it was finally my turn and i just went in and did it and i realised i screwed up =(
cuz Mee Gee asked to sing that same song again but imagine May Gan has just lost her dad and i got to sing it with hope to her.. HOW ON EARTH DO YOU DO THAT!?
so i guess i just did what i had to do and hold her hand and TRY to comfort her while singing the song which is not even a comforting song to sing. THEN, Mee Gee stopped me half way and i told me to sing it the style that SAMMY would sing and in my mind i was " this IS how i would sing it" and i concerntrated so much on being myself i forgot the words..
and then i realised i've screwed up;

they asked me to leave and said they'll call me.
I walked out of the room and they closed the door and i started crying..
Thanks to Nicole & Marcia for being there for me though (:

So many people cried yesterday.

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© Samantha Claire Yee
Maira Gall