* First Name
:: Samantha .
* Nicknames
:: Sammy ; Sammie ; Sam. -my god i've too many to list down- .
* Name You Wish You Had
:: i actually like my name .
* What Do People Normally Mistake Your Name As
:: people do think its Amanda from time to time .
* Birth Date
:: 21st Feb 1993 .
* Birth Place
:: some Ass hospital x) . *whispers Assunta*
* Time of Birth
:: the weird thing is that i actually know the answer to this question.
some 10am-ish time.
* Single or Taken
:: I can proudly say i am Taken.
* Zodiac Sign
:: Pisces.
Y o u r A p p e a r a n c e .
* How Tall Are You
:: 5 ft 4ish.
* Do You Wish You Were Taller
:: maybe an inch or two taller.
* Short or Long Hair
:: Long. or short maybe. i think its Long.
* Ever Dye Your Hair A Bizarre Color
:: one day ima dye my hair with purple highlights like Abbie x).
* Last Time You Did Something Dramatic With Your Hair
:: the LAST time i did something dramatic to my hair was when i cut it. dramatic enough. nahh. dark red highlights.
* Glasses or Contacts
:: again i can proudly say i have perfect eyesight. the last time i checked at least.
* Do You Wear Make Up
:: yeahh i do. Eyeliner and mascara. (: lip gloss.
* Ever Had Hair Extensions
:: ew.
* Paint Your Nail
:: DEEASSING BABY! hm. black and dark brown now mostly (: boyfriends influence you much.
T h e O p p o s i t e S e x .
* Shy or Outgoing
:: outgoing .
* Looks or Personality
:: this is a stupid question.
* Sexy or Cute
:: sexy && cute. sexy comes first though.
* Older or Younger Than You
:: at least older than me.
* A Turn On
:: a super hot bod. amazing hair. height.
* A Turn Off
:: guys with no sense of humor . omigod Abbie i so agree with you.
C h o i c e s .
* Flowers or Chocolates
:: FLOWERS. only cause I've never received any from a guy before.
* Pepsi or Coke
:: pepsi .
* Rap or Rock
:: rock.
* Relationships or One Night Stands
:: A relationship.
* School or Work
:: in my case, i CAN only choose work.
* Love or Money
:: elovds. always & forever.
* Country or City
:: umm. gosh this is hard to pick.
* Friends or Family.
:: no OR. friends && family.
H a v e Y o u E v e r .
* Lied
:: has anyone not?
* Stole Something
:: his heart!
* Smoked
:: never.
* Hurt Someone Close To You
:: sadly yes.
* Broke Someone s Heart
:: i don't know. you tell me. have i?
* Wish You Were A Prince / Princess
:: not really.
* Shaved Your Head
:: the hell would i do that for.
* Been In Love
:: Is in love.
* Used Chopsticks
:: to eat. for my hair. everything yanno (;
* Sang In The Mirror To Yourself
:: no. mirrors are for looking at. not for singing to.
* Cried Over Someone
:: i'm a girl. what do you expect.
F a v o r i t e s .
* Color
* Movie
:: the notebook .
* Word / Phrase
* Location
:: lying on the beach looking at the stars with you.
8 R a n d o m F a c t s .
* I Love Dakota.
* I'm currently in crutches.
* i could lose my self listening to awesome music.
* we won't be listening to music when we're together.
* I've been to a Pub even before i turned 15.
* i started drinking alcohol when i was like 6 or 7.
* i miss doing gymnastics.
* i freaking love purple.
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